Wednesday, June 24, 2009

when one door closes, another door opens.

Cliche of all cliches. But this one actually makes me feel better. A big part of my life (and especially my heart) is missing right now. There is definitely a lot of emptiness in my soul, and a lack of understanding as to why these things have to happen. But at the same time, I have the faith that they are happening for a reason, even if the reason is unclear to me. And I know that although this chapter of my life is ending, the story isn't over. One thing that I have noticed over the last few years is the way life turns out is NEVER what I expect. The things that I do and the people that I interact with are not things that I imagined when I was younger. But in a lot of ways, this is a good thing. So although I know the road to the unimagined, wonderful things that are awaiting me will be paved with a lot of unimagined, sad things, this isn't the end of the world.

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